Author Archives: Gloria Mikyska

Gloria Mikyska 2

Gloria Mikyska: Paintings

Gloria Mikyska is a regular contributor to our Facebook Page and has written a page about her experiences with bipolar disorder in her article, “How Bipolar Disorder Blessed Me”. She is also an artist, and has shared with us some of her paintings. Gloria has a lifetime of experience with bipolar disorder, having dealt with the condition for fifty years, and brings that experience to her artwork. Continue reading

Vintage Photograph

Guest Post: How Bipolar Disorder Blessed Me

Gloria, who is a regular contributor to our Facebook page, has written this account of her experiences with bipolar disorder, and how it ultimately blessed her life.


With confidence and honor, I choose to write about how bipolar disorder affected my life, after many years of shame, self-hatred, living in a pit, and hiding from humanity. After years of difficult work, with help from my psychiatrist, a kind and wise counselor, my eyes started to slowly open that I had nothing to be ashamed about and that I had a place “in time.” Continue reading